For the next 4 weeks, there will be standing room only at Daybreak! We’re going to courageously make the choice to take a stand even in the face of a compromising culture. We’ll be learning from Daniel and examining pivotal points in his life when he stood for God. Covering everything from him being first captured as a boy to the lion's den to the fiery furnace, we'll see Daniel and his friends Stand Out, Stand Strong, Stand In, and Stand Firm for God.
Standing out for God requires us to make some decisions ahead of time.
Daniel 1, Ephesians 6:11,14
Kneeling to pray is where we find the strength to stand.
Daniel 6
“You are very precious to God.” What does this mean and how does it impact my confidence for living?
Daniel 10
Guest Speaker: Kent Tyson
An incredible story about people’s faith in the face of danger will leave us taking inventory of our faith in God. Do we obey God all the way? Do we believe in spite of what we see?
Daniel 3, 1 Peter 1:7