The obstacles in our life can feel like mountains. We often think of Scriptures that talk about moving mountains; but sometimes we’re not supposed to move the mountain…we’re supposed to climb it. Join us as we see what happens on the mountains!
Mount Ararat (story of Noah, righteous living, Noahic Covenant, new beginnings)
Will you follow in the steps of Noah and walk faithfully with your God in 2019?
Genesis 6-8, 8:4
Mount Moriah (Abraham and Isaac, God provides, faith to obey all the way)
Our trust in God and acts of obedience are put to the test. How far will you go?
Genesis 22:1-19
Mount Pisgah/Mt. Nebo (place where Moses saw the Promised Land, God uses a lifetime to accomplish His purpose, God keeps His promises, he may take you through the desert but He is working His
good plan for your life)
Faithfully living for our God who keeps His promises.
Deuteronomy 32:48-52
Mount Carmel (Elijah and prophets of Baal)
A fiery showdown that will draw you closer to God.
1 Kings 18:16-46
Mount Hermon / Mount Tabor (mountain of transfiguration)
God calls us to a multisensory journey of following His Son, Jesus. Are you all eyes and ears?
Matthew 17:1–8, Mark 9:2–8, Luke 9:28–36, 2 Peter 1:16–18
Mount of Olives (Jesus ascending to Heaven, commission His followers to make disciples until He returns at the same exact location)
Receiving and accomplishing our mountaintop-mission to make disciples … until Jesus returns to this same mountain.
Acts 1:1-12, Matthew 28:16-20