Jesus revealed His character, purpose, and identity through seven dynamic “I AM” statements in the Gospel according to John. During this season of Lent leading up to Easter Sunday, we will be unpacking each one of these declarations and seeing how Jesus intersects with our lives.
In our culture, there seems to be many doors to various powers and gods; yet Jesus boldly declares that He is the door. A relationship with God is possible only through Jesus.
John 10:7, 9
As our Good Shepherd, Jesus guides, protects, and provides for us as His sheep.
John 10:11, 14, Psalm 23
Tired of the darkness & evil around us? Look to Jesus, who reveals our hope with His brilliant light.
John 8:12, 9:5
How do we stay “on-vine” and connected to Jesus?
John 15:1
Grab a slice of the One who can truly satisfy and who is essential for eternal life.
John 6:35, 48, 51
On this Palm Sunday, we’ll zoom in on each of these 3 descriptions of Jesus. These words may just change your life!
John 14:6
Palm Sunday
On this Easter Sunday, hurry again to the empty tomb and discover that the Resurrection is not an event – it’s a person!
John 11:25
Easter Sunday!