Updated: June 9, 2021
When we gather indoors at Community Music School, face coverings are now optional for all people.
Christlike compassion and understanding continue to be essential qualities for all our interaction with others. With such a variety of perspectives, ages, vulnerabilities, and health concerns, thank you for being Christlike to demonstrate love for one another throughout all these various transitions!
With that said, it's a good idea to keep a mask with you. If you are having a conversation with someone indoors who is masked, it is kind to ask if the person would be more comfortable if you wear a mask while together. When in the presence of a person (or a group of people) you believe may be extra-vulnerable, please defer to wearing a mask.
Just a reminder that if you have had a fever within 24 hours, are sick, or have potentiality been exposed to a contagious illness, please stay home. This includes your pastor who's been known to push through illnesses from time to time ... :)
A few more updates:
We're all in this together, and your example will help us move forward this summer for the advance of Christ’s work in our midst and in our community!
If you have any questions about this, please don't hesitate to contact me or Daybreak leadership. - Pastor Dave
A Psalm of Praise
Written by the Daybreak congregation on 11.29.2020
1 All praise to you, my King.
You alone are true and faithful.
My praises rise to you – the only one who understand me.
2 Praise the Lord for my family & good health.
Praise the Lord for my job and all He provides.
3 Praise the Lord for His unfailing love and justice carried out on this world.
He is great and powerful, the greatest being to be with everlasting and for an eternity!
4 Praise the Lord,
my pride is broken,
my striving ceased as I grow in Christ my fears released.
5 Praise the Lord for and with joyous hearts
We lift them up to receive His grace.
6 Praise our father in Heaven!
For His care and protection, for His constant love and concern for us thru the most trying of times. Give Him praise! Thank you Jesus!
7 (a haiku for our Lord)
Thankfulness, Hope
Praise with our lives from generation to generation
Promises, Life
8 Let praise for the Lord be lifted as high as heaven and as wide as the seas.
Let all life praise Him. Praise Him in all things with a joyous and humble heart.
9 Praise the Lord for His wisdom and love.
Praise Him for allowing hardships for a purpose.
Praise Him for being steadfast and sure in His love for us.
10 Praise God who makes the warm sun shine!
Praise Him who makes the garden grow.
Praise God who provides everything we need and more!
11 Praise the Lord for His strength & wisdom He has given me.
All the blessings in the last couple years.
12 Praise Him for all the kindness in the world.
Praise Him for the families that are sticking together.
13 Praise Him in the good times and the bad!
14 Praise the Lord for His unconditional love and never ending blessing He gives every day.
15 Praise Him for a loving and supporting family.
16 Praise God for always loving, always forgiving, and never giving up on us.
17 Praise the Lord because He is not uncertain but can be 100% trusted. He keeps every single one of His promises. Praise God for His faithfulness.
18 I praise You for the night sky. The phases of the moon. The stars set perfectly in the sky. A chance to see a planet with my naked eye. The night sky is one of the greatest witnesses to me that you are God and how great You are.
19 Praise Him for the people He brings around us to give us happiness.
20 Praise God in every home,
Praise Him with every voice.
21 Praise You, our almighty God for Your sovereignty and love shown to us by your gift of Christ.
22 Praise the Lord for the warmth of the sun, for sunrises over water. Praise Him for the laughter of children, the love of family.
23 Praise Him all you people as we awake this new day. Feel the coolness of the morning and see the new sun. Praise Him for a new day full of choices and experiences. Praise Him.
24 Praise Him for family, for shelter, for friends, for good health, and for awesome neighbors!
On Sunday, October 4 at the One Church Gathering, we will be collecting items for Pottstown Bible Church’s Food Pantry.
Part of PBC’s ministry is to the homeless in our area. They distribute items to folks following their worship service each Sunday.
The following items are needed to help them in their ministry:
This year, Daybreak is partnering with other regional churches for a local outdoor Men's Retreat on Saturday, October 3rd from 9:30 am to 7:30 pm at Brad and Miriam Henry's property (87 Pine Forge Road, Boyertown, PA). All men are invited! The cost is $50.
It will include hiking, paintball, trap shooting, frisbee golf, and other fun activities. We will also spend some time in worship & fellowship. Lunch and dinner will be provided on Saturday. Men are also welcome to come Friday evening any time after 6 pm. On Friday evening, we will be doing worship around a campfire and some of us will be setting up tents to sleep over.
Follow the link below to sign up for Saturday or Friday AND Saturday.
Please make checks payable to "Parker Ford Church" and put "men's retreat" in the memo line.
If you have any questions, please contact Pastor Dave at or Pastor DJay at
On Sunday, July 12, we will be kicking off our new series, "Valleys" and will be challenged by an incredible story tucked away in 2 Chronicles 20. Here is a playlist I put together on Spotify! Let's worship out of the valley just like King Jehoshaphat! - Pastor Dave
Hi Parents!
We've been invited by our friends at Parker Ford Church for a virtual summer VBS! Invite some friends, neighbor kids and engage in this "Backyard Bible Club" type of VBS. Aydric & Anders are looking forward to it! How about you?
BOLT will be happening July 26-28. With minimal preparation, easy to follow instructions, and a video that leads you and your kids step by step through each of the 3 days, BOLT is designed for you to perform with your family at home. It is so simple. During Bolt, your family will participate in fun games that illustrate what it means to listen to and focus on Jesus. The videos are really fun and engaging. There are memory verses, fun music, and an origami folding craft on each day. BOLT VBS is for ages 4 and up.
In order to provide you a kit with most of the things you will need for the 3 days of VBS, you must register by July 9. We will let you know when the kits are ready for pick up. To register, please follow the link below. Feel free to share the registration link with families, neighbors, and friends. All of them can benefit from our virtual VBS!
After registering, stay tuned as you will receive an email with a guide for parents and leaders with simple step by step instructions to use BOLT. Get your family excited about BOLT. This is going to be SO MUCH FUN!
If any questions, please contact Brandi Russell at
We are excited to offer 2 Life Group gatherings! We will be reading and discussing this new book by Drew Hart - "Who Will Be A Witness?" If you'd like in on this, reply to this email.
1. Online Life Group via Zoom on Monday nights.
2. In-person Life Group (outdoors) at the Ottey's home on Thursday evenings at 7pm.
If you're interested in either one of these Groups, contact Thanks
Since June 21, Daybreak has enjoyed meeting outdoors on the lawn for worship, prayer, teaching, & connections with one another! Whether you've joined us in person or online, we're grateful for all your positive attitudes, flexibility, and faithfulness during this pandemic. As the weather has turned colder, we feel the need to begin gathering indoors. So this Sunday (Nov. 1), we will be inside at Community Music School (775 W Main St. Trappe, PA) at 9:30am.
The Daybreak Leadership Team has designed a plan around grace and concern for your safety during these winter months. We may adjust plans to better serve one another in the weeks ahead. All along the way, please please please - if you have questions or suggestions ... contact us! Pastor Dave (610-850-3454 or
Please take a moment to read over our plan for gathering indoors:
Personal Health
We ask our most vulnerable to consider worshipping from home. It's obviously your decision and all are welcome to gather in-person on Sunday. But we want you to know that Daybreak will be offering an online Zoom service that will begin every Sunday at 11am (beginning Nov. 8) and hosted by Pastor Dave. It will be about a 30-minute service.
If you are sick, have a fever, or are experiencing other COVID-19 symptoms, please continue to worship from home. Click here for info on how to care for yourself and what to do if you are sick.
Face Coverings
Please show you care for your neighbor by wearing a face covering (for the entire service) for the safety, protection, and comfort level of others. If you don’t have a mask (or forget yours), masks will be available in the lobby. *Unless a medical condition prohibits wearing a mask, or age 2 or under. Here is an article that articulates some Biblical reasons why we are adopting this guideline at Daybreak.
Please sit together with your family or those who live in your home. The service will be about 45 minutes and is geared for the whole family. We will not yet be offering KidZone or BreakOut. We strongly recommend a couple of regional ministries for kids that are both meeting in person (FUSE & AWANA).
Coming and Going
Restrooms are open. There are new hand-sensor faucets, towel and soap dispensers installed. Lyric sheets, pens, & info will be self-serve at the welcome station. Please take your conversations & fellowship outside the building after the service, taking any trash and personal items to help us keep the Music School as clean as possible.
Social Distancing
Please try and stay 6 feet apart from those who do not live in your home. The chairs are set up in various groups in the Music Hall. Feel free to combine chairs to suit your needs while maintaining safe distance from others. The 7 chairs in the front row are for my family!! :)
Food and Beverage
Please eat and drink before arriving at Daybreak. Coffee & refreshments will not be available at this time.
Hand-sanitizing stations are available throughout the building. High contact surfaces will be cleaned by a cleaning crew before we gather on Sundays. Doors will be propped for airflow to reduce contact with surfaces.
An offering box will be located at the back of the Music Hall. We hope to attach our new lock box to the back wall in the near future. Online giving options are also available through the Tithely App or mailing a check to Daybreak's address (P.O. Box 541 Royersford, PA 19468).
Have Questions? Email us.
That's right!!! After 2 really great worship experiences outside, we are going to continue to gather outdoors for Sunday worship for at least the rest of summer! In case of rain, we will gather indoors (see more info about indoor gatherings).
So continuing on July 12, bring a chair, bring a mask and let's continue to gather in the adjacent field next to the Music School. We'll be making a few adjustments to our set-up and also encouraging some folks to park in the grass so the walk is more level and shorter. Let's pray for beautiful Sunday mornings this summer!
It's our intent to keep these outdoor services pretty simple and informal yet worshipful and honoring to God. Let’s all practice social distancing, using broad smiles as a short-term replacement for handshakes and hugs, etc… We want everyone to feel welcomed, but also feel safe. Thanks for your help with this.
The bathrooms in the Music School will be available for use.
If you're unable to join us in person - no worries! We will record and post these outdoor services later on Sunday afternoon on Daybreak's YouTube channel.
*Please stay home if you or your family members are experiencing or have recently experienced symptoms associated with the flu or the common cold (fever, persistent cough, headache, chills, etc.)
**Please take caution ... if you are dealing with a health issue where your doctor recommends that you not attend gatherings due to the impact of you “catching” whatever is going around, please be wise and follow your doctor’s advice.
***Please take caution ... If you are part of a higher-risk group. We are aware that those who are most at-risk for this virus are the elderly and those with compromised immune or respiratory systems. If you fall into one of these categories, please take extra precaution in making your decisions about Sunday attendance.