We're partnering with NorthPointe and Parker Ford Church for a series, called "Jesus is Greater Than". This series is based on the book of Hebrews and calls us to a specific "Let us ..." in response. There will also be a time of worship. Feel free to sing and worship along at home as the lyrics are provided on the screen. Gather all those in our home and come together for a collaborative online worship experience each Sunday morning until we are able to gather again!
What a week it has been, right? Take a deep breath.
I want to update you regarding Daybreak's response to the COVID-19 virus and the recent developments regarding how to handle it and recommended actions. I've been in communication with Daybreak's leaders, other regional church leaders, Bryan Hoke from the BIC, and the Montgomery County Department of Public Safety (including an important conference call this morning for churches). I have made the difficult decision to cancel our Worship Gathering this Sunday (3/15).
We are not fearful or panicked. However, we do want to be wise, and particularly cognizant of how this virus is effecting the most vulnerable among us. In that way, our desire is that this move is a tangible way to love our neighbors by discouraging it's further spread. This is especially important right now in Montgomery County.
Our Church Management Team is monitoring the situation closely and will be in regular communication about how we as church should be responding, both to ensure the safety of all our folks, but also keeping an eye out for opportunities for us to be a blessing in our communities.
Community Music School followed the orders from Governor Wolf yesterday to close "all schools, community centers, gyms and entertainment venues, including (YMCAs), theaters, sporting events, concerts, and I am strongly recommending the closure of non-essential retail facilities", They will remain closed with a tentative re-opening date of March 30th. Daybreak still has the opportunity to utilize the building on Sundays if we so choose.
At this point, our hope is that we will resume our normal service next Sunday, March 22nd. But again, I'll keep you posted.
As of right now (as things can change rapidly), this coming Sunday morning, I will be participating in a round table discussion at another local church in Chester County along with a couple of other pastors and regional leaders. This church has cancelled all kids programs and is asking everyone 65 years or older to remain home and it will probably be a small gathering. I am not asking you attend this church but hope to share the video/podcast with you all at the beginning of next week. We will be discussing the situation, what it looks like to respect/submit to the authority over us, how our witness to our community is impacted by how we respond in this instance, best care for the vulnerable around us, and fear versus faith.
Finally, while all of this can feel overwhelming and fearful, I want to encourage you to use this as an opportunity to shine out Jesus' light and love to your neighbors. Here are a few ways you can do that:
If at anytime you have needs, questions, thoughts, need prayer etc... please give me a call. Cell # 610.850.3454
Prayer & blessings,
CDC Recommendations to stay healthy:
One of our most favorite events of the year at Daybreak is our annual baptism & picnic. This year was no exception! Though cloudy, the weather was cool and dry as we gathered on Tyson’s
deck to enjoy delicious picnic food assortments and laid-back conversations. We gave praise to God for His life-changing work in the lives of Linda, Ally, Isaac, & Aidan as we listened to
their faith stories and witnessed their public declaration of faith in Christ through the symbol of baptism. Helping people change to become fully devoted followers of Jesus is Daybreak’s mission
and that’s what this day was all about! Special thanks to Phil & Judy for again hosting this special gathering!
See more pictures on Google Photos.
Baptism is a beautiful outward picture of an inward change and commitment to follow Jesus. Many Daybreak friends and family gathered poolside on this beautiful sunny afternoon to celebrate Andrew and Chastity’s decision to follow Jesus. They shared how God has been working in their hearts and how they are committed to following Him for the rest of their lives! Then they were baptized – a public display and beautiful picture of their changed lives!
The weather was perfect for enjoying the delicious picnic feast and the time catching up with friends. It was great to see the kids having fun and the dip in the pool was a wonderful way to wind up the day.
Thanks to Phil and Judy for hosting the celebration and for all those who attended!
-Pastor Dave
More photos on Google Photos.
From the Pastor's Blog
It was a special weekend at Daybreak as we moved our Sunday service just up the road from Spring-Ford High School to Brooke Elementary. There was contagious excitement and an energizing buzz in the building as we set up, rehearsed, transformed an elementary school into a church, and worshipped at Brooke for the first time. We ended this memorable day by joining hands as we circled our church and community in prayer! We believe the best is yet to come! Daybreak is now entering its 14th year of faithful ministry in the Royersford area. A fresh new feel, new faces, a new year, a new chapter. We look forward to what God has in store for us as we continue our faith journey to shine out Jesus' light. We welcome our new neighbors! Thinking about getting your family back in church? Be sure to give Daybreak a try! Join us!
On this first Sunday in our new location, we began a new sermon series entitled, "All In". The worship band led us in a time of upbeat meaningful worship as we invited God to invade this new space and fill it with His hope and love. A couple of cool changes include the use of a stage and dimmer lighting in the room. The lobby was filled with the hum of conversations as well as the aroma of coffee and sweet refreshments. Many connections were made which is what we are all about! And the best part is ... we get to do it all again next Sunday! See you there!
Check out photos from the event on Google Photos!
Thanks to all our Daybreak friends who gave up a couple of hours on their Saturday to pitch in and help set up, share ideas, organize, and prepare for our Sunday service! It was fun to do work together as a team of people committed to serving Christ & our community in hands-on ways!
See the team in action, at Google Photos!
From the Pastor's Blog
Daybreak's mission is to shine strong in our love for God, in our love for others, and in our service to the world. On Sunday, July 28, we were on mission as we briefly gathered in the parking lot of the high school where we normally meet and then scattered throughout the community and participated in a variety of service projects. Some folks chose yard work - weeding, mulching, mowing, and general clean-up. Others chose to repair and wash an elderly woman's storm windows. Some of our congregation blessed a local family with some warm home cooked meals and others distributed flyers to advertise our 5-Day Kids Club. While these teams served, another group of Daybreakers walked the streets of Royersford and offered up prayer for our church, our service projects, and our outreach to the community.
Well done Daybreak friends! I'm so proud of you guys! It was fun to take our "service" outside our 4 walls and truly make a difference by ‘loving our neighbor’ and shining light to some needy families. Thanks again for showing up and being Jesus’ hands and feet!
Pastor Dave
From the Pastor's Blog
Hi Daybreak Friends,
This past Sunday night in our Life Group at the Den we had a wonderful time learning about another aspect of the devotional Bible study method from Rick Warren's 40 Days In the Word study series.
It’s called "Paraphrase it" and this week as we read through the book of James, there are selected verses in our workbook that we are to read several times, and then write out in our own words.
The point is, we don’t really understand the Bible until we can say it in our own words. So far this week, I’ve found this to be true and I’ve really enjoyed it--getting carried away at points. I
hope you all are enjoying the study/series so far this summer and that your times in God’s Word are encouraging and challenging to you.
Today, I thought I’d share my paraphrase from the past two days with you. Ever heard of the DHT version of the Bible? It’s the Dave Hakes Translation: J
Day 22 of 40 Days In the Word: James 1:2-4
"Smile and take delight when I face a variety of difficulties, when things don't necessarily go my way, when things don't work right... because these situations stimulate perseverance. And I need to let this perseverance play all the way out in my life. I need to see the problems through to resolution either in the situation or in my own life so that I become a more mature and rounded person that God can use. If I resist short circuiting God's development of perseverance or endurance in my life then I will see my maturity meter escalate. So Dave, don't skirt around the difficult issues, don't quit at halftime, don't avoid or chicken out of adversity. Hang in there. Keep going. Depend mightily on God and press on! Maturity doesn't happen overnight."
Day 23 of 40 Days In the Word: James 1:19-20
"I need to write this down and never forget it. I need big ears to listen to God and to others. Then I need a mouth that is closed and when it needs to speak, it's incredibly slow to form the words and respond. Perky ears but a 'slow as molasses' mouth. Then I also need to be so hesitant and awkwardly slow at becoming angry. It should take me days to get worked up about the wrong things instead of seconds because with time also comes perspective, reflection, and God's power to calmly handle angry thoughts and feelings. Because my human anger at the wrong things doesn't produce more of Jesus in me. Speed is key. Fast ears, slow tongue, slow Hulk-like outbursts."
I’ve also posted these on our Facebook page. Feel free to comment and add your paraphrase as well!
Pastor Dave
From the Pastor's Blog
This morning, 13 Daybreak guys gathered for a fun breakfast together at the Limerick Diner. We ate a hearty breakfast and enjoyed the connections and conversations with one another. I shared a devotional with the guys from 2 Timothy chapter 1 and encouraged them to "fan into flame" the gifts that God has given them. I retold our legendary bonfire from last year's Men's Retreat when Kent cranked up his leaf blower and fanned the flames straight up into the sky. You know over time our spiritual passion can wane because of life's pressures, stress, other people's criticism, sin, etc... I challenged the guys to rekindle their spiritual fervor and burn hot for Christ. Times like this morning are so good for our relationships as men. I look forward to doing this again soon.
-Pastor Dave
From the Pastor's Blog
I recently saw the blockbuster hit, Iron Man 3 with my neighbor. I have to admit, I really enjoy these Avenger guys! We thoroughly enjoyed the action-packed explosive thriller! I give it 3 ½ Bibles out of 5. What can I say – I’m a pastor. When the movie concluded, the credits began to splash onto the screen as highlights from the film accompanied with the thumping music kept our attention. With a crescendo, that all eventually came to an end. The music softened and the credits scrolled up the screen in traditional black and white style. As I gathered my belongings, I noticed that my neighbor wasn’t moving and didn’t seem interested in leaving just yet. I said, “Well, are you ready to go?” He insisted that we wait until the credits were over just in case there was an extra scene or preview of the next Marvel movie. I was like, ‘oh I highly doubt there will be anything at the end of this never-ending scroll. If there were bloopers or any extras it would’ve played before these boring credits. The movie is over man! Let’s go!’ He didn’t budge.
So … we sat there and watched the credits roll on and on and on. It was like watching paint dry. Have you ever watched a movie all the way to end? Don’t. Even the custodians don’t wait … they get in and start cleaning and prepping the theater for the next showing. Well, here we are staring at the credits. And I got to admit, I couldn’t believe so many people had worked on this movie. There were probably a thousand names that briefly appeared.
Then I had this thought… a great project like this takes a massive team effort. It takes lots of people with different gifts and skills each performing with excellence to help make a fabulous movie. It could be a big part or a small part, in front of the camera or behind the camera – everyone’s role in important. And at the end of the movie – their efforts were recognized and there were at least two people who saw it!
Last Sunday on Mother’s Day at Daybreak was one of those days when I realized how many of my friends at Daybreak play a part and serve with excellence whether it’s up front or behind the scenes. If you’ll indulge me … I’d like to roll the credits from Sunday. I apologize in advance - I know I’ll forget someone!
Thanks for all you guys do to make Daybreak such an inviting and bright place for us to connect with God and others. What a team! It takes many people to pull off a service like the one on Sunday. Bravo!
“Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to Your name goes all the glory for your unfailing love and faithfulness.” Psalm 115:1
Oh and in case you are wondering … there was a bonus scene at the very end of the credits featuring Tony Stark (Iron Man) and Dr. Banner (Hulk)!
-Pastor Dave
From the Pastor's Blog
I captured this from our Daybreak Facebook Group page today. Thanks to Tammy for sharing this and for her ministry to our Preschoolers each week at Daybreak. Thanks for serving strong Tammy! Our kids are always listening!
"One of my favorite moments so far as a Sunday School teacher for the Preschool class happened this last Sunday when I watched Kensi use her paper puppet of Silas tell the paper puppet of the jailer (I think held by Brady?) in her cutest little voice to "trust in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved." It was SO Adorable and amazing to see even the youngest kids grasp and remember the story enough to participate and reinact it."
-Pastor Dave
From the Pastor's Blog
It was a beautiful night at the old ball game! About 20 folks from Daybreak gathered at the Reading Fightin Phils and enjoyed a wonderful time of fun and fellowship around the picnic tables in the outfield. Aidan Hakes threw out the first pitch! The all-you-can-eat buffet of BBQ chicken, burgers, hot dogs, potato salad, fruit cups, fries, etc... was delicious! The kids splashed away in the heated outfield swimming pool. The many mascots entertained us during the baseball game. The evening ended with a spectacular fireworks show! It was a fun time with our Daybreak friends!
-Pastor Dave
From the Pastor's Blog
Slideshow above is rendered in Flash which is not compatible with an iPad; iPad users must view at Google.
Everyone loves a great story! The Bible tells a compelling and life-changing story that many have heard, some have read, but few have actually experieinced. During the month of March at Daybreak, we will be offering you several ways to experience the Bible story - perhaps for the first time! See how your story intersects with God's story!
Choose from these opportunities!
1. Listen to the Sunday Message Series, "The Story"
Join us for all 5 Sundays in March at the Spring-Ford High School at 10 AM for this life changing series culminating on Easter Sunday, March 31st! Experience the Bible stories you know told like never before with thought-provoking sermons and stunning video clips from the TV miniseries.
2. Watch the TV miniseries "The Bible" airing on the History Channel on Sunday nights.
Check your local TV service provider for specific channels and alternate viewing times. This series, produced by Roma Downey & Mark Burnett is 10-hours, will be airing in five parts, and will cover the major stories of the Bible - bringing them to life on the screen. The final episode, on Easter Sunday evening, March 31, features the death and resurrection of Jesus.
3. Reflect daily on the Bible using a handy study guide.
Daybreak Church is providing the companion study guide "The Bible: 30-Day Experience," by Bob Hostetler free of charge! Ask for your copy this Sunday or by calling the church office at 610.489.8080. On each day of this 30-day study you will have a short Bible reading along with reflection questions for you to think about and space provided to record your thoughts.
4. Join a Bible Discussion Group on Sunday Evenings.
You are invited to connect with others in thoughtful inquiry, discussion, and prayer by joining a discussion group at the Daybreak Den on March 3, 10, 17, 24 and on Good Friday, March 29 (hours vary, check the Calendar for details). This group is going to be facilitated by Kent & Darlene Tyson. They will be using the weekly discussion guide found in the "The Bible: 30-Day Experience," mentioned above.
I really hope that you will choose one of these opportunties, dig in, and experience the story of the Bible like never before! It might just change your life as God continues to write your story!
Joy & Blessings,
Pastor Dave
From the Pastor's Blog
Hi Daybreak Friends,
Thanks for inviting your friends to our special service at Daybreak yesterday! I’m praising God that at least 17 people that I know of came and experienced Daybreak for the very first time! So cool! I’m going to enjoy following up with these folks this week and I’m praying that some will even stick! Way to extend invites to others whether they came or not! The lunch was a delightful time as well and a perfect opportunity to meet our guests and catch up with one another.
Thanks to everyone who had a part in our ministry yesterday from start to finish!
Shining bright!
Pastor Dave
From the Pastor's Blog
This past Sunday, Matt Redman won a Grammy award for his song, “10,000 Reasons (Bless the Lord).” We’ve used this song in our worship celebrations at Daybreak. It’s a fantastic expression of praise and I personally enjoy worshipping God with this particular song. There’s a phrase in this song that goes like this, “You’re rich in love and You’re slow to anger.” This description of God is recorded all through Scripture. Psalm 103:8 is one example: “The LORD is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love.” Without getting too theological or bogged down here, this is an attribute of God that just amazes me! God is just and intolerant of sin yet He is full of love and grace. His fuse is incredibly long. How do I know this? He puts up with me!
How about us? Can we make an effort with the help of God’s Spirit in us to be people that are rich in love and slow to get angry? People who extend grace to others, not impatient frustration, rage, and rudeness. The latter seems to be the norm in our culture, work environments, and even families … just react, vent, give people what they deserve, complain, assume the worst … No. God says, when it comes to anger, take your time like I do … be long-suffering, slow to get angry, assume the best!
I’ve been so impressed recently with many of my friends at Daybreak who have demonstrated rich love toward others. To single out one couple, Phil & Linda … thanks for your genuine concern, compassion, love and care for Steve during these last couple of months! I’ve been blown away by your selfless acts of love. It’s truly been impressive and even contagious! You’ve abounded in love and are a wonderful example for us. Let’s be a church of people that is slow to anger but quick to forgive, quick to love, and quick to extend grace just like our God (Jonah 4:2).
Pastor Dave
From the Pastor's Blog
December at Daybreak! So much excitement and at the center of it we focus on the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ.
Our Kidzone kids have just spent a day at the Salvation Army Family Shelter in Pottstown doing Christmas crafts and sharing cookies they baked and decorated themselves. What a joy to share good times with our neighbors!
This week our kids are also busy preparing for the Christmas program this Sunday, December 19th. They will reenact the story of the birth of Baby Jesus. Our children are a very important part of our Daybreak congregation and we are looking forward to their program. We never fail to learn something new through our children's eyes.
We look forward to the finishing our Essential 100 Bible reading plan this month and celebrating its completion on December 30. These 100 days of reading have reaffirmed our commitment to put God's word at the center of our lives.
Our Worship Team continues to rehearse every Tuesday evening at the Daybreak Den and are busy selecting new music to incorporate into our Sunday worship time in the coming year. I hope you all are as eager as I am to see what they come up with. If you have any suggestions, now or at any time, please forward them to John Courchesne, our Worship Team leader.
Our theme for the Christmas Season this year is Merry and Bright to emphasize the joy and light that comes into our lives every day of the year from the grace and love of our heavenly Father and the forgiveness we all receive through His Son, Jesus Christ.
My family and I all wish you a joyous and blessed Christmas Season!
-Pastor Dave
From the Pastor's Blog