Updated: June 9, 2021
When we gather indoors at Community Music School, face coverings are now optional for all people.
Christlike compassion and understanding continue to be essential qualities for all our interaction with others. With such a variety of perspectives, ages, vulnerabilities, and health concerns, thank you for being Christlike to demonstrate love for one another throughout all these various transitions!
With that said, it's a good idea to keep a mask with you. If you are having a conversation with someone indoors who is masked, it is kind to ask if the person would be more comfortable if you wear a mask while together. When in the presence of a person (or a group of people) you believe may be extra-vulnerable, please defer to wearing a mask.
Just a reminder that if you have had a fever within 24 hours, are sick, or have potentiality been exposed to a contagious illness, please stay home. This includes your pastor who's been known to push through illnesses from time to time ... :)
A few more updates:
We're all in this together, and your example will help us move forward this summer for the advance of Christ’s work in our midst and in our community!
If you have any questions about this, please don't hesitate to contact me or Daybreak leadership. - Pastor Dave
A Psalm of Praise
Written by the Daybreak congregation on 11.29.2020
1 All praise to you, my King.
You alone are true and faithful.
My praises rise to you – the only one who understand me.
2 Praise the Lord for my family & good health.
Praise the Lord for my job and all He provides.
3 Praise the Lord for His unfailing love and justice carried out on this world.
He is great and powerful, the greatest being to be with everlasting and for an eternity!
4 Praise the Lord,
my pride is broken,
my striving ceased as I grow in Christ my fears released.
5 Praise the Lord for and with joyous hearts
We lift them up to receive His grace.
6 Praise our father in Heaven!
For His care and protection, for His constant love and concern for us thru the most trying of times. Give Him praise! Thank you Jesus!
7 (a haiku for our Lord)
Thankfulness, Hope
Praise with our lives from generation to generation
Promises, Life
8 Let praise for the Lord be lifted as high as heaven and as wide as the seas.
Let all life praise Him. Praise Him in all things with a joyous and humble heart.
9 Praise the Lord for His wisdom and love.
Praise Him for allowing hardships for a purpose.
Praise Him for being steadfast and sure in His love for us.
10 Praise God who makes the warm sun shine!
Praise Him who makes the garden grow.
Praise God who provides everything we need and more!
11 Praise the Lord for His strength & wisdom He has given me.
All the blessings in the last couple years.
12 Praise Him for all the kindness in the world.
Praise Him for the families that are sticking together.
13 Praise Him in the good times and the bad!
14 Praise the Lord for His unconditional love and never ending blessing He gives every day.
15 Praise Him for a loving and supporting family.
16 Praise God for always loving, always forgiving, and never giving up on us.
17 Praise the Lord because He is not uncertain but can be 100% trusted. He keeps every single one of His promises. Praise God for His faithfulness.
18 I praise You for the night sky. The phases of the moon. The stars set perfectly in the sky. A chance to see a planet with my naked eye. The night sky is one of the greatest witnesses to me that you are God and how great You are.
19 Praise Him for the people He brings around us to give us happiness.
20 Praise God in every home,
Praise Him with every voice.
21 Praise You, our almighty God for Your sovereignty and love shown to us by your gift of Christ.
22 Praise the Lord for the warmth of the sun, for sunrises over water. Praise Him for the laughter of children, the love of family.
23 Praise Him all you people as we awake this new day. Feel the coolness of the morning and see the new sun. Praise Him for a new day full of choices and experiences. Praise Him.
24 Praise Him for family, for shelter, for friends, for good health, and for awesome neighbors!
On Sunday, October 4 at the One Church Gathering, we will be collecting items for Pottstown Bible Church’s Food Pantry.
Part of PBC’s ministry is to the homeless in our area. They distribute items to folks following their worship service each Sunday.
The following items are needed to help them in their ministry:
This year, Daybreak is partnering with other regional churches for a local outdoor Men's Retreat on Saturday, October 3rd from 9:30 am to 7:30 pm at Brad and Miriam Henry's property (87 Pine Forge Road, Boyertown, PA). All men are invited! The cost is $50.
It will include hiking, paintball, trap shooting, frisbee golf, and other fun activities. We will also spend some time in worship & fellowship. Lunch and dinner will be provided on Saturday. Men are also welcome to come Friday evening any time after 6 pm. On Friday evening, we will be doing worship around a campfire and some of us will be setting up tents to sleep over.
Follow the link below to sign up for Saturday or Friday AND Saturday.
Please make checks payable to "Parker Ford Church" and put "men's retreat" in the memo line.
If you have any questions, please contact Pastor Dave at or Pastor DJay at
On Sunday, July 12, we will be kicking off our new series, "Valleys" and will be challenged by an incredible story tucked away in 2 Chronicles 20. Here is a playlist I put together on Spotify! Let's worship out of the valley just like King Jehoshaphat! - Pastor Dave
Hi Parents!
We've been invited by our friends at Parker Ford Church for a virtual summer VBS! Invite some friends, neighbor kids and engage in this "Backyard Bible Club" type of VBS. Aydric & Anders are looking forward to it! How about you?
BOLT will be happening July 26-28. With minimal preparation, easy to follow instructions, and a video that leads you and your kids step by step through each of the 3 days, BOLT is designed for you to perform with your family at home. It is so simple. During Bolt, your family will participate in fun games that illustrate what it means to listen to and focus on Jesus. The videos are really fun and engaging. There are memory verses, fun music, and an origami folding craft on each day. BOLT VBS is for ages 4 and up.
In order to provide you a kit with most of the things you will need for the 3 days of VBS, you must register by July 9. We will let you know when the kits are ready for pick up. To register, please follow the link below. Feel free to share the registration link with families, neighbors, and friends. All of them can benefit from our virtual VBS!
After registering, stay tuned as you will receive an email with a guide for parents and leaders with simple step by step instructions to use BOLT. Get your family excited about BOLT. This is going to be SO MUCH FUN!
If any questions, please contact Brandi Russell at
We are excited to offer 2 Life Group gatherings! We will be reading and discussing this new book by Drew Hart - "Who Will Be A Witness?" If you'd like in on this, reply to this email.
1. Online Life Group via Zoom on Monday nights.
2. In-person Life Group (outdoors) at the Ottey's home on Thursday evenings at 7pm.
If you're interested in either one of these Groups, contact Thanks
Since June 21, Daybreak has enjoyed meeting outdoors on the lawn for worship, prayer, teaching, & connections with one another! Whether you've joined us in person or online, we're grateful for all your positive attitudes, flexibility, and faithfulness during this pandemic. As the weather has turned colder, we feel the need to begin gathering indoors. So this Sunday (Nov. 1), we will be inside at Community Music School (775 W Main St. Trappe, PA) at 9:30am.
The Daybreak Leadership Team has designed a plan around grace and concern for your safety during these winter months. We may adjust plans to better serve one another in the weeks ahead. All along the way, please please please - if you have questions or suggestions ... contact us! Pastor Dave (610-850-3454 or
Please take a moment to read over our plan for gathering indoors:
Personal Health
We ask our most vulnerable to consider worshipping from home. It's obviously your decision and all are welcome to gather in-person on Sunday. But we want you to know that Daybreak will be offering an online Zoom service that will begin every Sunday at 11am (beginning Nov. 8) and hosted by Pastor Dave. It will be about a 30-minute service.
If you are sick, have a fever, or are experiencing other COVID-19 symptoms, please continue to worship from home. Click here for info on how to care for yourself and what to do if you are sick.
Face Coverings
Please show you care for your neighbor by wearing a face covering (for the entire service) for the safety, protection, and comfort level of others. If you don’t have a mask (or forget yours), masks will be available in the lobby. *Unless a medical condition prohibits wearing a mask, or age 2 or under. Here is an article that articulates some Biblical reasons why we are adopting this guideline at Daybreak.
Please sit together with your family or those who live in your home. The service will be about 45 minutes and is geared for the whole family. We will not yet be offering KidZone or BreakOut. We strongly recommend a couple of regional ministries for kids that are both meeting in person (FUSE & AWANA).
Coming and Going
Restrooms are open. There are new hand-sensor faucets, towel and soap dispensers installed. Lyric sheets, pens, & info will be self-serve at the welcome station. Please take your conversations & fellowship outside the building after the service, taking any trash and personal items to help us keep the Music School as clean as possible.
Social Distancing
Please try and stay 6 feet apart from those who do not live in your home. The chairs are set up in various groups in the Music Hall. Feel free to combine chairs to suit your needs while maintaining safe distance from others. The 7 chairs in the front row are for my family!! :)
Food and Beverage
Please eat and drink before arriving at Daybreak. Coffee & refreshments will not be available at this time.
Hand-sanitizing stations are available throughout the building. High contact surfaces will be cleaned by a cleaning crew before we gather on Sundays. Doors will be propped for airflow to reduce contact with surfaces.
An offering box will be located at the back of the Music Hall. We hope to attach our new lock box to the back wall in the near future. Online giving options are also available through the Tithely App or mailing a check to Daybreak's address (P.O. Box 541 Royersford, PA 19468).
Have Questions? Email us.
That's right!!! After 2 really great worship experiences outside, we are going to continue to gather outdoors for Sunday worship for at least the rest of summer! In case of rain, we will gather indoors (see more info about indoor gatherings).
So continuing on July 12, bring a chair, bring a mask and let's continue to gather in the adjacent field next to the Music School. We'll be making a few adjustments to our set-up and also encouraging some folks to park in the grass so the walk is more level and shorter. Let's pray for beautiful Sunday mornings this summer!
It's our intent to keep these outdoor services pretty simple and informal yet worshipful and honoring to God. Let’s all practice social distancing, using broad smiles as a short-term replacement for handshakes and hugs, etc… We want everyone to feel welcomed, but also feel safe. Thanks for your help with this.
The bathrooms in the Music School will be available for use.
If you're unable to join us in person - no worries! We will record and post these outdoor services later on Sunday afternoon on Daybreak's YouTube channel.
*Please stay home if you or your family members are experiencing or have recently experienced symptoms associated with the flu or the common cold (fever, persistent cough, headache, chills, etc.)
**Please take caution ... if you are dealing with a health issue where your doctor recommends that you not attend gatherings due to the impact of you “catching” whatever is going around, please be wise and follow your doctor’s advice.
***Please take caution ... If you are part of a higher-risk group. We are aware that those who are most at-risk for this virus are the elderly and those with compromised immune or respiratory systems. If you fall into one of these categories, please take extra precaution in making your decisions about Sunday attendance.
June 6, 2020 UPDATE
Hi Daybreak Friends,
Church has never been about a building, but rather the community of believers gathered in unity, regardless the size of the group. Until we are all together again in our building, we invite you to embrace community in some different ways this month as part of our Regathering Plan.
First, gather as families in homes … go ahead and invite another family to watch one of the June services (from One Church Initiative) online with you, or simply share a meal with friends you have not seen in a while. Use proper social distancing etc... This month our OCI series is "Prayer Matters". DJay, Brandon, Carl, and I have recorded videos about different aspects of prayer. You can view the videos on Sundays from the One Church Initiative YouTube Channel or the revised one that I put together on Daybreak's YouTube Channel. The series begins this Sunday - "How I Am Praying For My Kids (And You)"
Second, gather once again with your Life Group … take advantage of great weather and backyards for interaction and fellowship.
Lastly, invite an individual or family, new to Daybreak, to your home or to join your Life Group gathering.
As the leadership of Daybreak prepares for regathered services at the Music School, we want to offer the safest facility and environment for all of our church family & community. With this in mind, we will make sure the facility is cleaned and sanitized (especially all hard, common surfaces like door handles, countertops, etc.) as well the bathrooms. CMS has purchased touchless soap, paper towel and hand-sanitizing equipment and is awaiting install on all these. There will be no offering baskets passed around, so please use the offering boxes located in the back of the Music Hall or continue to give online through the Tithely App.
As we move through the month of June, there will be opportunities to gather as an entire church family that will be safe and spirit lifting. Please make yourself aware of them below, taking notice of the social distancing guidelines that will be implemented for each event.
June 14: Invitation to attend "One Church, One Hope" in Philly at 10am
Bring your own chair, a facemask, and observe social distancing
June 21: Drive-In / Outside Worship Gathering at Community Music School at 9:30am
**Outdoor social distance requirements in place
June 28: Drive-In / Outside Worship Gathering at Community Music School at 9:30am
**Outdoor social distance requirements in place
July 5: Online Service Only (One Church Initiative)
July 12: Worship Service inside Community Music School at 9:30am
No Nursery, KidZone or BreakOut but family friendly special elements included in the service.
*Indoor social distance requirements in place.
The Lord has seen all of us through it, and He has seen all of us beyond it … and we can say unequivocally, the best days of Daybreak are ahead!
Thank you for your love, your prayers, your support, and your patience! We love you, and we will see you soon!
Your Daybreak Leadership Team
*Indoor Social Distance Requirements: (still in process)
**Outdoor Social Distance Requirements:
"Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds us all together in perfect harmony." Col. 3:14 (NLT)
Online Service for May 31, 2020
Online Service for May 24, 2020
Online Service for May 17, 2020
Teaching for May 3 - "What's Your Purpose?"
During this unprecedented time of the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic, we will gathering online for worship.
Join us on Sunday mornings for a time of worship, teaching, and discussion. Daybreak is partnering with a couple of other local churches for this special series. Watch this video from Pastor Carl Kramer at Northpointe Community Church as he explains what the One Church Initiative is all about. While you're there, be sure to subscribe to the One Church Initiative YouTube Channel.
One Church Initiative Service for May 3 - "Jesus is > Me"
March 29 - "Jesus is > Fear" (Pastor DJay Martin at Parker Ford Church)
April 5 - "Jesus is > Loneliness" (Pastor David Hakes at Daybreak)
April 12 - "Jesus is > Death" (Pastor Brandon Vining at NorthPointe)
April 19 - "Jesus is > Suffering" (Carl Kramer at NorthPointe)
April 26 - "Jesus is > Time" (Pastor DJay Martin at Parker Ford Church)
May 3 - "Jesus is > Me" (Pastor Tim Doering from Netzer)
May 10 - "Mothers & the Life of Jesus" (recorded Zoom call with pastors)
Join us every Thursday evening at 7pm for a Midweek Online Connection! We'd love to have your smiling face on the screen via Zoom Video Conference. This is a great way to connect with your Daybreak friends and pray together as a church during this pandemic crisis.
Zoom Link / Password: Daybreak
Even though we are not currently meeting on Sundays, you can still support Daybreak's ministry! Feel free to use the free Tithely App or mail a check to Daybreak's mailing address (P.O. Box 541 Royersford, PA 19468).
We're partnering with NorthPointe and Parker Ford Church for a series, called "Jesus is Greater Than". This series is based on the book of Hebrews and calls us to a specific "Let us ..." in response. There will also be a time of worship. Feel free to sing and worship along at home as the lyrics are provided on the screen. Gather all those in our home and come together for a collaborative online worship experience each Sunday morning until we are able to gather again!
What a week it has been, right? Take a deep breath.
I want to update you regarding Daybreak's response to the COVID-19 virus and the recent developments regarding how to handle it and recommended actions. I've been in communication with Daybreak's leaders, other regional church leaders, Bryan Hoke from the BIC, and the Montgomery County Department of Public Safety (including an important conference call this morning for churches). I have made the difficult decision to cancel our Worship Gathering this Sunday (3/15).
We are not fearful or panicked. However, we do want to be wise, and particularly cognizant of how this virus is effecting the most vulnerable among us. In that way, our desire is that this move is a tangible way to love our neighbors by discouraging it's further spread. This is especially important right now in Montgomery County.
Our Church Management Team is monitoring the situation closely and will be in regular communication about how we as church should be responding, both to ensure the safety of all our folks, but also keeping an eye out for opportunities for us to be a blessing in our communities.
Community Music School followed the orders from Governor Wolf yesterday to close "all schools, community centers, gyms and entertainment venues, including (YMCAs), theaters, sporting events, concerts, and I am strongly recommending the closure of non-essential retail facilities", They will remain closed with a tentative re-opening date of March 30th. Daybreak still has the opportunity to utilize the building on Sundays if we so choose.
At this point, our hope is that we will resume our normal service next Sunday, March 22nd. But again, I'll keep you posted.
As of right now (as things can change rapidly), this coming Sunday morning, I will be participating in a round table discussion at another local church in Chester County along with a couple of other pastors and regional leaders. This church has cancelled all kids programs and is asking everyone 65 years or older to remain home and it will probably be a small gathering. I am not asking you attend this church but hope to share the video/podcast with you all at the beginning of next week. We will be discussing the situation, what it looks like to respect/submit to the authority over us, how our witness to our community is impacted by how we respond in this instance, best care for the vulnerable around us, and fear versus faith.
Finally, while all of this can feel overwhelming and fearful, I want to encourage you to use this as an opportunity to shine out Jesus' light and love to your neighbors. Here are a few ways you can do that:
If at anytime you have needs, questions, thoughts, need prayer etc... please give me a call. Cell # 610.850.3454
Prayer & blessings,
CDC Recommendations to stay healthy:
Jesus revealed His character, purpose, and identity through seven dynamic “I AM” statements in the Gospel according to John. During this season of Lent leading up to Easter Sunday, we will be unpacking each one of these declarations and seeing how Jesus intersects with our lives.
In our culture, there seems to be many doors to various powers and gods; yet Jesus boldly declares that He is the door. A relationship with God is possible only through Jesus.
John 10:7, 9
As our Good Shepherd, Jesus guides, protects, and provides for us as His sheep.
John 10:11, 14, Psalm 23
Tired of the darkness & evil around us? Look to Jesus, who reveals our hope with His brilliant light.
John 8:12, 9:5
How do we stay “on-vine” and connected to Jesus?
John 15:1
Grab a slice of the One who can truly satisfy and who is essential for eternal life.
John 6:35, 48, 51
On this Palm Sunday, we’ll zoom in on each of these 3 descriptions of Jesus. These words may just change your life!
John 14:6
Palm Sunday
On this Easter Sunday, hurry again to the empty tomb and discover that the Resurrection is not an event – it’s a person!
John 11:25
Easter Sunday!
Daybreak Church was able to shine the light of Jesus by serving a few hungry men and women in our community. We partnered with Ministries on Main Street again by helping serve an evening meal to some homeless in Pottstown for 5 nights in February. There were about 25 different people from Daybreak that prepared and served these meals. This experience was once again not only a blessing to those at the shelter but more so to those who helped serve. There was a rich time of sharing and reflection the following Sunday during the worship service at Daybreak. We post this here not to brag or boast about our care for the needy. Jesus was clear, that should never be one’s motive (Matthew 6:1-4). But part of Daybreak’s mission is to serve others and shine out Jesus’s light – so this is an opportunity to say, we are on mission! Thanks again to all who helped serve!
It’s a new year and many of us share this feeling - we want 2020 to be better than last year. So we start off with good intentions by making commitments to improve but we inevitably end up not following through. There has to be a better way, right? Join us at Daybreak for this new series!
A perfect year may be impossible, but a better year is possible.
Matthew 6:33; Ephesians 5:25–27
What’s weighing you down because you refuse to let it go?
1 Corinthians 6:19-20, Romans 6:16-17
Learning to let go of the things that don’t matter and holding tightly to that which does matter.
Ecclesiastes 4:6
Congregational Meeting after the Service
Abandoning our foolish pursuits for a valuable search of true Biblical wisdom.
Proverbs 16:16 and other Proverbs.
Sometimes the best things come to those who patiently wait. Discover the benefits for those who practice patience.
Proverbs 16:32
Learning to live with an awareness of the presence of God in our every day lives.
Psalm 84:1-2, 10
What do others think when they hear your name? Discover the importance of a good name and reputation as well as the steps you can take today to create tomorrow’s legacy.
Proverbs 22:1
What if we strove to be light in our identity not just our activity? We’ll unpack Jesus' teaching and resolve to shine brighter in this New Year.
Matthew 5:14-16
The original cast from that first Christmas … a very unlikely, ordinary group of peculiar people waiting expectantly for the arrival of their Messiah and King. This Christmas at Daybreak, we’ll catch up with these folks as told in the ancient Scriptures and see how their stories intersect with ours. See the difference that Jesus made in the lives of people such as Zechariah and Elizabeth, the Shepherds, May and Joseph, and more.
God’s plans are bigger than our mistakes and He invites each one of us to become part of His family.
Matthew 1:1-17, John 1:12
God isn’t looking for the best and brightest but instead those who receive and respond to His glory.
Luke 2:8-20
"She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins."
Matthew 1:18-25, Proverbs 19:21
Christmas Eve Service @ 5pm
Candlelight / Worship
Christmas cookies afterward - Please bring cookies to share.
As we see God’s gracious and miraculous blessing on an elderly couple, Elizabeth and Zechariah, we’ll be encouraged that God indeed hears our prayers. We’ll be challenged to take Him at His word.
Join us for this family service after Christmas!
Luke 1
Family Service
Since partnering with BIC U.S. World Missions in 2008, the Oberholsers have worked to build relationships with Navajos in New Mexico, lead people into a relationship with Jesus Christ, and disciple Navajo believers. We’re excited to hear from Jason this Sunday at Daybreak.
This Christmas season, we partnered with Perkiomen Valley School District to help support families in need this holiday season through the fourth annual PV Cares Holiday Drive. We collected items to support the Daily Bread Food Pantry and the PV Power Packs program, both of which are serving PV families during the holiday season.
Thanks to everyone who brought in gifts, cards, and cash to help bless kids in the PV School District through the Power Pack program. Way to shine out Jesus’ light at Christmas!
Kindergarten/Grade 1 – Toys for toddlers
Grade 2/3 (Girls) – Toys such as Polly Pockets, Legos, Hello Kitty & LOL Surprise!
Grade 4/5 (Boys) – Toys such as Legos, Hot Wheels City sets & Star Wars items
Grade 6/7 (Boys or Girls) – Board games, Paw Patrol items, Nerf toys, V-Tech toys
Grade 8/9 (Teen girl) – Movie tickets/ultimate packs, make-up/bath kits, nail polish kits, hoodies &lounge pants
Grade 10/11 (Teen boy) – Movie tickets/ultimate packs, hoodies, lounge pants & cologne
Grade 12 – Gift cards to Target or Wal-Mart (smaller denominations preferred)
Jay will be joining us this Sunday and sharing a message with Daybreak. Jay is the executive Director of Teaching The Word Ministries in Leola, PA and Minister of Regional Leader
Development at Cornerstone Christian Fellowship in Lebanon.
He also oversees Direction and Leadership on the Netzer team.
Come prepared to share a word of thanks & gratitude during our open mic time of sharing during our worship service.
Daybreak’s 2019 Men’s Retreat was so much fun! Kent and Phil hosted the annual retreat again at their cabin in the mountains of Central PA.
Twelve guys were able to get away October 17-19 and enjoy amazing food, target shooting, a 5-mile mountain hike, bonfires, recreational games like Kan-Jam and cornhole, conversations, worship and
prayer. In fact, prayer was the theme for this year’s retreat.
We read Max Lucado’s little book “Pocket Prayers,” as well as the Lord’s Prayer and talked in our sessions together about how to communicate with God more consistently. We welcomed a couple of
Daybreak “alumni” and friends, Pastor John Pletcher and Pastor John Courchesne who joined our Retreat. They helped to lead the morning sessions after breakfast.
There was plenty of storytelling, reminiscing, laughter, and fun enjoyed by this group of guys! Thanks to those who were able to go this year! Keep prayer at the center of your life.
For more photos of the event, visit the Google Photo Album.
Do you have a bad habit you just can’t seem to kick? A particular hang-up that is impeding your progress? A particular pattern of behavior that’s negatively impacting others around you? Join us for this new series as we tackle some of the toughest struggles that grip many of us on daily basis. Get untangled this fall at Daybreak as we allow God to overcome our struggles.
Uncover the secret to personal change (hint: it’s not will power, pills, or promises).
Romans 7:15-25, John 8:32
Do you know an arrogant and proud person? It’s certainly not you, right? Of course not! :) See for yourself the happiness and power that come with true humility.
Various Proverbs, Matthew 7:5, 5:5, Romans 12:3
Get set free from destructive addictions. It’s time.
Romans 6:12-13, 13:14, 2 Peter 2:19, various Proverbs
It’s been said before that our yearning often exceeds our earning. Learn some smart tips for money management from the wisest person who ever lived.
Proverbs 21:20 and others, Matthew 6:19-21, Philippians 4:19, Hebrews 13:5
How many times do we say or think, “Oh, this can wait… I’ll get to that someday… maybe tomorrow…”? Join us as we look at a very short but pointed verse (James 4:17) and talk practical ways to
avoid procrastination.
James 4:17 and others
Discover God’s plan for sexual purity.
1 Corinthians 10:13, Psalm 119:9, 101:3, Matthew 5:28, 6:22-23, 2 Timothy 2:22
At some point, we are all searching for connectedness—searching for a way to be part of something bigger than us. Join us at Daybreak for this 4-week series as we unpack how the church is a place of belonging—rooted in restoration and unity brought by Jesus. Looking to get back to church? We’d love to have you connect with us this fall, get plugged in, form friendships, and have the chance to serve together in the community.
Peace is a Person, not just a feeling. Discover how we can find peace together through unity in Jesus.
Ephesians 2:17-22
The love between Jesus and His Father is love without separation, without boundaries, without end. And while we often don’t even come close to that kind of love, experiencing it is the reason we
come back to church. It is the reason God calls us to be together.
Ephesians 3:16-19
Our togetherness as followers of Jesus is more about strength for moving forward, not just for staying safe.
Ephesians 4:15-16
Changing the world doesn’t require superheroes or even superhuman powers; it requires consistent choices to follow Christ daily and to walk together on the journey as He leads us.
Ephesians 4:32–5:2
Ever felt unnoticed, unappreciated, or your life is interrupted in some frustrating way? Learn how Jesus uses these hidden times to accomplish His plan & purpose in our lives.
Guest Speaker: Monica Lanigan
Guest Speaker: Pat Storey
Missionary Pat Storey will share about her recent mission trip to Uganda where she oversaw a team from Teen Missions to help wash and repair people’s feet. How are you serving others in your
God never meant for us to simply go to church but instead to be the church. It's so important to the health of the Church that we be people who are plugged in to God and community.
Esther was made for a specific & pivotal moment and God used her in a significant way to rescue His people. Although God is never mentioned in this short story, His hand of providence is seen throughout. He is the Author of a grand story of redemption, and it includes you! Discover the role you play in God’s story by joining us for this 2-week series at Daybreak!
Though not mentioned by name, God is the main character and hero in the story of Esther. He’s also the main character in your story, too!
God advances His redemptive work in the world by calling and empowering available and willing individuals. Will you be the one?
Esther 4:13-17
On July 27, 2019, Daybreak-ers participated with a group of 200 volunteers at the Berean Bible Church in Pottstown for two hours to pack meals for children in need. The event is one of many such meal-packing events held across the country. The sponsoring organization is "Feed My Starving Children",
Collectively, at the event, all of us (not just Daybreak) felt great about the results:
...which feeds 144 children one meal each day for a year.
Two more packing shifts were scheduled for the same day... imagine the impact on the children in need!
Praise God!
Check out more photos & videos of the event.
Thanks to everyone who helped! Next year’s date is July 25, 2020. We’ll be there! Save the date on your calendars.
Jesus’ half-brother writes to a community of faith that was struggling and also suffering. These ancient insights, reminders, & teachings are incredible timely for us today! Discover a faith that is operable and alive as we follow Jesus! Join us for this new series beginning May 19!
As followers of Jesus, we will face trials and temptations in this world which will test our faith. Find out how enduring adversity can actually lead to joy.
James 1:1-18
True religion is faith in action. We'll have some fun with this truth during our family service this holiday weekend.
Memorial Day Weekend
Family Service
James 1:19-27
Gaining some tips & wisdom on how to treat all people right.
James 2:1-13
What is real faith? It’s not something you say, or feel, or think, or believe. It’s something you do! Join us for this challenging message about living out our faith.
James 2:14-26
How often do your words get you in trouble? Learn how to tame the power of the tongue.Father’s Day
James 3:1-12
Uncover the cure for endless arguments. Try humility.
James 4
Guest Speaker: Ericka Henry (Neighborhood Pastor at Holy District in Allentown)
New Brethren in Christ Church/Missional Initiative in Allentown
Join us as church planter Ericka Henry paints a picture of what a wholistic, integrated life is like and why it’s important to our faith.
James 3:13-18
Breaking the habit of criticizing and judging others.
James 4:11-12
Avoiding the mistakes of planning without God, presuming about tomorrow and procrastinating today.
James 4:13-17
The right and wrong uses of wealth according to Jesus’ half brother, James.
James 5:1-6
Discover practical tips for growing the virtue of patience in our lives!
James 5:7-12
Harnessing the power of prayer when we’re hurting emotionally, physically and spiritually.
James 5:13-20
Mother’s Day
Discover the 5 Phases of Influence leaders can leverage to nurture successful kids at every age & stage.
Proverbs 22:6
Guest speaker, Bryan Hoke will be teaching about what it looks like to follow Jesus on mission.
Luke 4:14-21
Elevating our thoughts & attitudes from pessimism to optimism based on what God says.
Philippians 4:8, Romans 8
“Bringing What’s Dead Back to Life”
Is there something dead in your life you are asking God to bring back to life? Find renewed hope in the resurrection power of Jesus!
Luke 23:45-24:8
This Palm Sunday, listen as guest speaker, Tim Doering, shares how Jesus desires His house to be known for a place of prayer above anything else.
Matthew 21:1-16
Do you need a breakthrough in your life? It begins with close proximity to Jesus.
Luke 8:43-56
How can you share your faith with others? It’s not as difficult as you think!
Luke 5:29-32, John 4:28-30, John 9:25-27
We look to our left & right, we scroll up & down … all the while comparing our messy reality to others' perfect snapshots. We’re constantly trying to evaluate how we measure up to the people around us. Our friends have become our audience and our job success, activities, and even our kids have become part of our brand. Not only is it exhausting – it’s dangerous! It’s a trap! But there is a way out. For 3 weeks, we’re going to discover how to escape the Comparison Trap!
Do you suffer from ‘Obsessive Comparison Disorder’? Discover the way out this Sunday at Daybreak!
Scripture: Ecclesiastes 4:4-8
Does the ‘Fear of Missing Out’ keep you on edge? This Sunday at Daybreak, we’ll talk about it and learn how to combat FOMO with gratitude.
Scripture: Philippians 4:10-13
Do you ever feel like you’ll never have enough? If so, you might be plagued with the scarcity mindset. The remedy is not found in comparing who has more with who has less, but on focusing on what
God has entrusted to us.
Scripture: Matthew 25:14-30
Learn how tree life is similar to our spiritual life.
Guest Speaker: Josh Park
Pastor of Branch Life Church, Pottstown
The obstacles in our life can feel like mountains. We often think of Scriptures that talk about moving mountains; but sometimes we’re not supposed to move the mountain…we’re supposed to climb it. Join us as we see what happens on the mountains!
Mount Ararat (story of Noah, righteous living, Noahic Covenant, new beginnings)
Will you follow in the steps of Noah and walk faithfully with your God in 2019?
Genesis 6-8, 8:4
Mount Moriah (Abraham and Isaac, God provides, faith to obey all the way)
Our trust in God and acts of obedience are put to the test. How far will you go?
Genesis 22:1-19
Mount Pisgah/Mt. Nebo (place where Moses saw the Promised Land, God uses a lifetime to accomplish His purpose, God keeps His promises, he may take you through the desert but He is working His
good plan for your life)
Faithfully living for our God who keeps His promises.
Deuteronomy 32:48-52
Mount Carmel (Elijah and prophets of Baal)
A fiery showdown that will draw you closer to God.
1 Kings 18:16-46
Mount Hermon / Mount Tabor (mountain of transfiguration)
God calls us to a multisensory journey of following His Son, Jesus. Are you all eyes and ears?
Matthew 17:1–8, Mark 9:2–8, Luke 9:28–36, 2 Peter 1:16–18
Mount of Olives (Jesus ascending to Heaven, commission His followers to make disciples until He returns at the same exact location)
Receiving and accomplishing our mountaintop-mission to make disciples … until Jesus returns to this same mountain.
Acts 1:1-12, Matthew 28:16-20
As we look forward to 2019, how can we better prioritize our day, week, month, and year so that God is FIRST?
Join us as we talk practical ways to prioritize the important things of life.
Matthew 6:33, Psalm 63:1, Acts 20:7, 2 Corinthians 9:7, Matthew 6:17-18
Discover how prevailing prayer brings God's power and breakthrough!
Luke 11:1-13
Guess who comes in first according to Jesus? It may surprise you. Learn how to strengthen your serve!
Mark 9:33-35
Over two thousand years ago, a star burst through the darkness and signaled the long-awaited, yet still unexpected birth of a Savior. This Advent season, you are invited to follow the star. It’s not just about the destination, but also about a journey we can take together to experience God’s Hope, Love, Joy, and Peace.
Description: Advent reminds us to live with expectant hope as we wait for the birth of Christ at Christmas and for the complete fulfillment of hope when Christ comes again.
Scripture: Isaiah 9:2, 7:14, 1 Peter 1:13, Hebrews 11:1
Description: Experiencing the depth of God’s love, which has been there from the start, is enough for all of us, and overflows in our lives to others.
Scripture: Ephesians 1:4-6, Ephesians 3:17–19, 1 John 4:7-19,
Description: The good news that Jesus has come to save us brings great joy that is for everyone! But how can we experience that joy alongside the pain of life and respond to joy in worship?
Scripture: Luke 2:9–14, James 1:2-4, Psalm 96:11–13, Matthew 2:10-11
Description: Abiding with the Prince of Peace and resting in that perfect peace that comes from trusting in Jesus. How can we take this peace into the often-chaotic world around us?
Scripture: Luke 2:13-14, 19, Isaiah 9:6, John 14:27
Description: God’s story - past, present, and future - has become our story in Christ Jesus. Tonight we follow the light of God’s star to Jesus and experience His hope, love, joy, and peace this Christmas.
Scripture: Luke 2
For the next 4 weeks, there will be standing room only at Daybreak! We’re going to courageously make the choice to take a stand even in the face of a compromising culture. We’ll be learning from Daniel and examining pivotal points in his life when he stood for God. Covering everything from him being first captured as a boy to the lion's den to the fiery furnace, we'll see Daniel and his friends Stand Out, Stand Strong, Stand In, and Stand Firm for God.
Standing out for God requires us to make some decisions ahead of time.
Daniel 1, Ephesians 6:11,14
Kneeling to pray is where we find the strength to stand.
Daniel 6
“You are very precious to God.” What does this mean and how does it impact my confidence for living?
Daniel 10
Guest Speaker: Kent Tyson
An incredible story about people’s faith in the face of danger will leave us taking inventory of our faith in God. Do we obey God all the way? Do we believe in spite of what we see?
Daniel 3, 1 Peter 1:7
Learning how the activities of seeking, surrendering, and serving help us live out the values of God’s Kingdom here on earth.
Because the Eagles are playing in London, kickoff is 9:30 am EST. Wear your favorite team’s gear and join us for a fun worship service. Everyone is invited to stay after for the live Eagles game!
Daybreak’s annual Men’s Retreat continues to be one of the highlights for the men each year as we break away from regular commitments and enjoy time away with other brothers in a picturesque setting. This year, was no exception.
Check out the photos on Google!
We were blessed with beautiful weather and enjoyed every moment of it including a hearty hike up the mountain, clay pigeon shooting, campfires, Kan-jam tournament, and mouth-watering steaks cooked over the campfire. Some of the highlights this year also included an early morning trip to Elk Country in Benezette, PA, a shooting star that flashed across the clear night sky, delicious homecooked meals, a wacky but entertaining board game called “Robo Rally” and a breathtaking scene at Hyner View State Park.
Matt led us in worship outside around the fire. We also used a resource from Carey Nieuwhof to guide a session together on Friday evening about compromise and character. God wants to help us close the gap between who we really are and who we want to be (Romans 7). We were challenged to make our talk match our walk. No more lies. No more secrets. If we commit to telling the truth about ourselves, our walk will accelerate. “Competence gets you in the room, but character that keeps you in it.” (Carey Nieuwhof ).
In keeping with tradition, after our Friday evening session we enjoyed homemade pies and ice cream. It was a real treat!
We wish to thank Phil and Kent for hosting the retreat again this year and for all their preparations! It was truly a refreshing and renewing time!
Dave, Dwight, Karl, Dan, Matt, Tim, Jeremy, Phil, Kent
How do I know God is real? Is there really only one way to heaven? We’ve all grappled with these questions and others like them. The good news is…there are answers!
Invite someone to join you! Whether you grew up in church, or are new to your faith, or are questioning what you believe in, this is a great opportunity to ask your toughest questions and discover real answers.
Join us as we examine various arguments and tackle this first question!
Scripture: Psalm 19
We’ll sort this out as we discover what makes the Bible so unique and wrestle with whether we can really trust this all-time best-selling book.
Scripture: Proverbs 30:5-6
Each of the top 10 World Religions makes that claim but there is one important difference that sets Christianity apart from all others …
Scripture: John 14:6; Matthew 7:13–14; Acts 4:12
Suffering, pain, and evil are real. We know it all too well. As we grapple with this difficult question, may we find renewed grace, comfort and hope from a loving God who never wastes a moment of
Scripture: John 16:33
How did the world come to be – evolution or creation? Why does it matter?
Scripture: Genesis 1
We’ll unearth as many details from Scripture as we can – the location, landscape, foods, work, marriage, time, housing, bodies, angels, & more!
Scripture: Revelation 21:1–22:5
Guest Speaker: Monica Lanigan
Description: Monica will be sharing about the inspiration behind her recent book and God’s direction in her life.
Romans 8:28
We will be praying in many different, creative, and meaningful ways during this family worship service!
Ephesians 6:18
What would it look like in your life to be fully led by God’s Spirit in every moment of every day? Join us as guest speaker Bill Beck shares how his life has been shaped by the Holy Spirit in
unexpected ways.
John 16:13-15
Guest Speaker: Pastor Bill Beck (Spring City Fellowship Church)
On July 28, 2018, Daybreak-ers joined dozens of volunteers at the Berean Bible Church in Pottstown for two hours to pack meals for children in need. The event is one of many such meal-packing events held across the country. The sponsoring organization is "Feed My Starving Children",
Collectively, at the event, all of us (not just Daybreak) felt great about the results:
...which feeds 119 children for a year.
Two more packing shifts were scheduled for the same day... imagine the impact on the children in need!
Praise God!
Meal packing starts with rice in giant bags on pallets...
... to which are added dehydrated vegetables, protein powder and vitamins. The components are measured ...
...and the mixture weighed and packaged in plastic pouches ...
... the pouches heat-sealed, then boxed and stacked.
Bad attitudes? Good attitudes? Meh attitudes? What attitudes do you battle with? You’ve heard it said, “Attitude is Everything” and it’s so true. This summer at Daybreak, join us as we find attitude-improving truths from Paul’s New Testament letter to the Philippians!
What does it look like to adopt the attitude of Christ even during the difficult times of life?
Acts 16:6-40, Philippians 2:5
Uncovering the benefits of life-giving connections with others. Who are you praying for and encouraging?
Philippians 1:1-11
Reshaping our attitudes during the high-rising pressures of life. What new life outlook can you choose?
Philippians 1:12-30
Father’s Day
How can you experience joy-filled, fun, productive, and loving relationships with others? It may have more to do with you than with them.
Philippians 2:1-11
Are you a chronic complainer or grumpy grumbler? No worries, we all have those days! We’ll discover how an attitude shift can turn our darkest outlooks into brighter impact!
Philippians 2:12-18.
Family Service
Guest Speaker: John Holsey
How is the church more than a steeple and the people inside? We'll be learning how Jesus originally intended the church to function.
Matthew 16: 13-20
Series continues...
Selfless or selfish? How can we apply these Christ-like serving qualities in our own life and vibrantly live them out?
Philippians 2:19-30
Where does our true confidence in living come from? Impressive resume and accolades or a deepening relationship with Christ?
Philippians 3:1-11
What are you chasing and pursuing in life? Discover a powerful life-changing strategy!
Philippians 3:12-21
Do you know any pesky people? Learn some fresh attitudes that will help us deal with those people!
Philippians 4:1-3
Discover antidotes to pervasive and debilitating worry.
Philippians 4:4-9
Volunteer Sunday
Thinking like Jesus leads to true contentment, generosity, and gratitude toward financial
funding and material security.
Philippians 4:4-9
As summer kicks off, learn some practical ways to shine out Jesus’ light to your neighbors in a casual and relational way.
Graphic by Vecteezy!
Mark 4:26-29
Sharing your faith should be organic & natural – not forced. Our job is to scatter seeds and then trust God to grow them!
John 4:4-26
Watch how Jesus builds relationships and shares the Good News over a cold one!
Today we celebrate, honor, and encourage Moms!
Mother’s Day
2 Timothy 1:5-6
Relief kits provide valuable supplies to families whose lives have been disrupted by war or disaster. We are partnering with
Collection April 22 - May 13, 2018, Sundays at Daybreak
Earlier contributions appreciated so we may plan what is needed to fill out the completed kits.
Choose whatever you can provide from the following:
4 large bars bath soap (leave in wrapper)
Shampoo (1 or 2 bottles, totaling more than 20 oz; place in resealable plastic bag)
4 large bars laundry soap (such as Fels Naptha®, Sunlight® or Zote® brands)
4 adult-size toothbrushes (in manufacturer’s packaging)
4 new bath towels (medium weight, dark or bright colors; approx. 29 in x 60 in)
2 wide-toothed combs (6–8 in)
1 nail clipper (good quality)
1 box adhesive bandages (minimum 40, assorted)
Sanitary pads (THIN; 1 or 2 packages, minimum 28 pads total)
Printable flyer (Sunday handout)
More information at Mennonite Central Committee website.
Thank you for your donations!
Discover what it means to be known by God, to know yourself, and to be known in the context of a community and relationships.
Discovering our identity first begins by remembering whose we are.
Exodus 3:1-7, 10-12
Living out our call to love others. Jesus gives us a beautiful picture of what it should look like to be known in community.
Mark 12, John 13:34-35
You can love, appreciate, and even value your spouse. But do you truly know them?
Mark 10:6-9
Having a greater understanding of sin gives us greater power to conquer sin.
Guest Speaker: Matt Essick
1 Corinthians 11:21, 29-30, Joshua 6-7
Praising our God who knows us the best yet loves us the most and desires a relationship with us.
Psalm 139
Experience the life-changing journey of “Come Alive”. During Holy Week 2018, Daybreak’s diving into the significance that Jesus’ sacrifice, death, and resurrection hold for our lives today. Join us for these 3 powerful worship experiences!
Looking closer at Palm Sunday and the snapshot that represents all of Jesus’s life: His love, sacrifice, and commitment to a greater story, to God’s ultimate work.
Matthew 21:1-7
7pm at Daybreak
John 1:29, John 19, Galatians 2:20, 1 Peter 1:8–9, 18-19
Jesus’ ultimate sacrifice gives us many reasons to hold our head high! Join us for this special evening worship celebration!
The resurrection means that no situation is too hopeless! No problem is too big for Jesus! He’s still in the resurrection business—and He has the power to change your life!
Philippians 3:10, Ephesians 1:19–20 & others
Egg Hunt for Kids
So what is it? Chances are it’s something uncertain, something out of your control, or something that’s “up in the air” - which is why anxiety hounds us. And it’s why we find ourselves far too often struggling to fall asleep at night. Join us for “What Keeps You Up at Night?” as we seek to find calm in our chaotic world by learning new skills that help us to truly trust God.
This key passage for this series is Philippians 4:4-9
4 Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! 5 Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. 6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and
petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
8 Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think
about such things. 9 Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.
Stabilizing our anxious souls with the sovereignty of God.
Philippians 4:4
Making our gentleness evident to everyone while trusting in the One who is with us.
Philippians 4:5-6
Praying specifically and with gratitude about the anxious parts of our life.
Philippians 4:6
Holding on to God’s peace and promises in stormy anxiety.
Philippians 4:7
What were your favorite games to play as a child? The games we played as kids can sometimes feel like the games we play as adults! Join us for this new series as we explore life lessons from classic games that contain hidden biblical truth. Get ready to learn, laugh, and have fun with Games People Play.
The early church in Acts connected 4 core practices to experience spiritual victory! Learn how our church has a similar game plan and seeks to advance in 4 key areas.
Acts 2:42-43, 1 Corinthians 11:23-26, Romans 12:2
Vision Message / Communion / Annual Congregational Meeting
Sometimes our homes, our workplaces, & our neighborhoods feel more like battleships. We’re slinging all kinds of missiles like gossip, lies, hate, envy etc… that cause relational damage. Hit. Sunk. When anger wins, we lose. Discover how to express your anger in healthy ways to those on your battleship.
Romans 12:17-21, Ephesians 4:26-32
What’s the foundation of Christianity? Remove this Cornerstone and it quickly falls apart!
1 Peter 2:4-8, Isaiah 28:16-17, Luke 6:47-49
Have you negated someone’s progress by your words or actions? We’ll have fun with this classic game and Jesus’ teaching as we learn to forgive as we’ve been forgiven.
Matthew 18:21-35
How we communicate gives us incredible opportunities to spiritually influence others.
James 3:2-12, 1 Peter 3:15-17, James 1:19-20, Ephesians 4:29
In this new year, don’t just strive to be a better person—but let God make you into a new one. Listen to discover how to be made new in Christ.
2 Cor 5:16-17, Eph. 1:7, 4:21-24
Our guest speaker, Tim Doering, will deliver the message "Glorious Manifold", from Eph 3:7-12
Tim currently serves as director of Netzer, a regional ministry for pastors and churches.
This Christmas Season, celebrate the greatest gifts we could ever be given. Join us as we celebrate how Jesus’ birth changed everything and brings us hope, love, joy, and peace even today!
Discovering timeless hope in the past, present & future that strengthens our confidence in God.
Isaiah 7:14, 9:6, Luke 1:26-38, Romans 8:24-25
Today we open the next gift Jesus has given us this Christmas: LOVE. Listen as we learn to accept, experience, and share this precious gift.
John 3:16, Romans 8:38-39, 1 John 4:9–11
Joy is a gift from God - so let’s anticipate it, recognize it and choose it this Christmas season.
1 Peter 1:8, Psalm 96:11–13, Luke 2:10–11, 20, Matthew 2:10-11, James 1:2-3, 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, Philippians 4:4
The light of the world has come to earth and is trying to reach you, extending hope, love, joy, and peace. Will you receive God’s ultimate gift?
Luke 2, Isaiah 60:1
Christmas Eve Family Service (1 hr)
Christmas Carols / Candlelight
Story for Kids
No evening Christmas Eve Service
As we wrap up 2017 and look ahead to the New Year, we open this gift of peace that Christ offers us. It’s a peace with God, a peace within, and a peace with one another.
Isaiah 9:6, Luke 2:13-14, Romans 5:1-2, Philippians 4:6-7, 2 Thessalonians 3:16
November 26:
Guest Speaker: Dolph Laraio
Life Transforming Ministries | Chester County
What needs to be rebuilt, repaired, or reinforced in your life? Your marriage? Your faith? Your finances? Your relationships? Your career? It’s time to get the walls back up. Join us this fall as we explore the book of Nehemiah and discover God’s blueprint for rebuilding the things of life.
What’s broken in your life that needs fixing? Nehemiah teaches us how to get the walls back up from the ground up!
Nehemiah 1, 2:1-5
A grander vision of life-change requires careful planning but then the courage to take action!
Nehemiah 2:4-18
Before we can be a fixer-upper, we need to take an honest assessment at the damage, and then inspire others to join us in our rebuilding efforts.
Nehemiah 2:19-20, 4:1-23
“National Refugee Sunday”
Whenever you step out in obedience to God’s calling, you can expect some opposition and resistance. Here’s how to handle the critics!
Nehemiah 5:1-19
It often times seems that there are so many forces at work keeping us from finishing strong. Learn how to fight to the finish!
Nehemiah 6:1-18
We all have giants in our lives but we don’t have to be intimidated or defeated. We can rise above the giant and conquer our fears with God’s power. Join us in September as we watch the giants fall.
David versus Goliath. Epic showdown. Join us as we retrace the steps in the ancient valley to discover who the real Champion was and still is.
1 Samuel 17
What keeps you awake at night? The antidote to fear is faith and the soundtrack of faith is worship.
For this giant to fall, we must learn to live from acceptance not for acceptance. Join us as we unpack what this entails.
1 Samuel 17:32–37
Could it be that God may be asking us to step into holy discomfort - the place where our faith really thrives?
1 Samuel 17
Are you a ticking-time-bomb? Do you occasionally fly off the handle … #$@&%*! Then you’re familiar with this next giant – Anger! We’ll be learning to wield God’s weapons of forgiveness, & identity. Besides, God is our avenger.
1 Samuel 17, Ephesians 4:26, Psalm 37:8, Proverbs 15:18, James 1:19-20
What can’t you live without? What problems do you have that you need to mask the pain or emptiness with an addiction? Do you find these questions a little too personal or intruding? Well, the path to victory over addiction is the path of vulnerability.
1 Samuel 17, 2 Corinthians 12:9-10, Hebrews 4:15, Psalm 23:5
Imagine if our church received a letter from Jesus Himself. What would Christ say about our passion for God? Faithful service? Endurance in trials? Would His words bring commendation or condemnation? The truth is we have such a letter. In Revelation (the last book of the Bible), we have a record of Jesus’ final words to His Church through seven letters to seven churches. This summer we’re going to examine Jesus’ words to these seven churches and consider what He is saying to ours!
Has your faith grown cold or complacent? Perhaps it’s time for a jumpstart!
Revelation 2:1-7
Are you feeling the squeeze right now? Discover how Christ draws close when His people suffer.
Revelation 2:9-11
Stay true, don’t compromise.
Revelation 2:12-17
Tolerance is the supreme virtue of modern culture. But are today’s Christians more tolerant than Christ?
Revelation 2:18-29
Carol Graves from Miller-Keystone will share a brief word with our congregation.
Dead churches are filled with sleepwalking Christians who Jesus tells to wake-up before it’s too late!
Revelation 3:1-6
You can endure anything if Christ is your everything.
Revelation 3:7-13
Baptism & Picnic
What’s worse than growing cold in your faith? Being lukewarm! Tepid faith makes God sick! But it’s never too late to turn back to Christ!
Revelation 3:14-22
What would best keep our church on mission for God? Join us as we talk about what it means to surrender control as we follow Christ.
Proverbs 3:5-6
--- End of Series
Guest speaker: Josh Hostetter
Listen as guest speaker and clinical therapist, Joshua Hostetter shares about the Biblical importance of health in the life of a follower of Jesus.
Philippians 1:12-26
Family Service – No KidZone
Powerful truths live in some of our favorite movie moments. Join us this holiday weekend as we explore these truths with free buttery popcorn!
What keeps you from sharing your faith with others? Learn how can you use the resources and opportunities you already have to shine out Jesus’ light.
John 9:25-27
Discover God’s relentless love for us through the bizarre life of an ancient prophet, Hosea! Join us these 3 weeks as we realize just how incredibly boundless God's love, sovereignty, compassion, and promises are for us!
This Biblical prophet, Hosea tells a scandalous story of a relationship gone wrong and how God makes it right!
Hosea 1:1-3
Family Service
"The tongue can bring death or life..." Prov 18:21
Choose your words carefully; choose words that build others up.
Is your heart beating strong & in sync with Christ’s love, power, & presence?
Guest Speaker: Chris Honeycutt
Series continues...
Discovering God’s unfailing love and compassion by learning to walk again … often through the dry times of life.
Hosea 2
You are loved by Jesus just the way you are. However, He loves you too much to let you stay the way you were!
Hosea 3:1-5
Father's Day
On this Mother’s Day, our worship band and team will lead us through a variety of worshipful expressions - drawing our focus on the numerous meaningful names of God.
Worship, Scripture, and prayer woven throughout this unique service.
This resource will be used: Praying the Names of God
Victory Park has never looked better! On Saturday morning, a team from Daybreak joined forces with a few volunteers from Royersford Borough and got to work! The volunteers spread mulch, planted a few flowers, did some edging, and general clean-up. Daybreak provided some refreshments which were enjoyed by all the volunteers! Thanks to everyone who participated and helped to shine out Jesus’ light in this hands-on way!
More pictures available in our Google Photo album.
March 6 - April 28, 2017 is Daybreak's 40-Day New Testament Bible Challenge!
Are YOU ready to take the challenge of reading through the entire New Testament in 40 days? Sign up with Pastor Dave and you'll receive your own copy* of the New Testament for this program. Read on for more information and helpful links.
*(The books of the NT are rearranged, the text "flows", without Chapter and Verse notations and call-outs.)
eReaders & audio & more: Resources for this reading program can be found at: .
email reminders: If you'd like daily emails to help you keep on track with the reading plan, you may subscribe at .
Participants in the Challenge should read with some questions in mind:
With Easter only a few weeks away, Daybreak Church is using this time to intentionally draw closer to Jesus. During these 40 days of reflection and Scripture reading, we are preparing for a fresh move from God in our families, workplaces, church, and neighborhoods. Will you join us this Lent/Easter season?
Throughout the Bible, the number 40 has great significance in preparing all kinds of people for a fresh movement from God. Today we’ll be introducing the Community Bible Experience for our church.
Read more about making a personal commitment to the 40-Day Bible Challenge with your fellow Daybreak-ers.
How do you resist temptation? We’ll look at some powerful weapons to use when we’re under attack.
We’ll discover 3 different ways to engage Scripture … reading for story, reading for study, and reading for transformation.
Like Moses’ burning bush experience, can you see what’s burning in the middle of your life?
1 Cor 13
Guest Speaker: Chris Honeycutt
Asking God to give us the power to not dwell on negative, destructive thoughts, but to replace them with the truth of His Word especially during these 40 days.
Philippians 2:5, 4:7-9, Romans 12:2, 8:6
Asking God to give us the power to not dwell on negative, destructive thoughts, but to replace them with the truth of His Word especially during these 40 days.
2 Corinthians 10:3-5
Theme: Forgiven
The greatest sacrifice in history. The deepest love poured out on humanity. A love that heals, that forgives, that welcomes. This Easter we celebrate the power of Christ’s resurrection!
Mark 2:16-17, Acts 3:15, Romans 3:12
Love is messy. Love is risky … just ask Jesus. How are you loving your neighbor?
1 John 3:11-18, 23, Luke 10:25-37
Guest Speaker: Chris Honeycutt
Love is messy. Love is risky … just ask Jesus. How are you loving your neighbor?
1 John 3:11-18, 23, Luke 10:25-37
Conversation & dialogue about racial reconciliation
Celebration of 40-Day Bible Challenge
Join us for this 4-part series dedicated to helping all of us build healthy & God-honoring relationships! While this series has particular relevance to couples, it does not exclude single adults.
“Above all, love each other deeply.” --I Peter 4:8
Adapted from some of the new curriculum from authors Drs. Les & Leslie Parrott
Learning more about ourselves as God’s unique creation as we seek to pursue deeper relationships.
1 Peter 4:8, Psalm 139:14, Luke 10:38-42
How well do you communicate with others especially those you care about deeply? We’ll unpack some Biblical skills for improving our overall communication in relationships.
James 1:19, Ephesians 4:15
Parent / Child Dedication: Lola Ornelas
Although many of us hate conflict and do our best to avoid it, it is a common and actually vital aspect of love. Learn how to resolve conflict in ways that build trust and security in
Matthew 5:23-24, Proverbs 10:12, 15:18, 15:1, Eph. 4:26
Relying on God’s Spirit to help us adapt to the things we cannot control in relationships and trusting God’s deep love in and through the people around us.
Philippians 4:11–13, 2 Corinthians 13:5, 1 Thessalonians 5:18
"... with my God I can scale a wall." (Psalm 18:29)
Several Daybreak guys took this ancient Biblical promise seriously as they enjoyed an afternoon of indoor rock climbing at Reading Rocks on Sunday afternoon, Jan. 29. They bypassed the amateur flat walls and headed for the difficult, sharp-angled, jutting rock formations. Camaraderie and conversations were enjoyed by all.
This was Daybreak's 2nd annual rock climbing! See you next year!
View the entire picture album on Google Photos.
A New Year is a new beginning: a chance to renew ourselves, our relationships, our faith. What will be the new you?
Family Service at 9:30am
Guest Speaker: Chris Honeycutt
Begin this New Year with fresh purpose and motivation as we discover who we are in Christ.
2 Corinthians 5
Sometimes we spend so much time thinking about how to start something that we never actually start it. Even in the midst of our many excuses, God promises to be with us & equip us if we just
step out in faith.
Exodus 3 (Moses)
Are you spending too much time, energy, or resources on things that are not beneficial in your life? Perhaps it’s time to STOP something at the beginning of this new year.
1 Corinthians 6:12
Galatians 5:1, 16-17
Proverbs 28:13
2 Corinthians 10:3-5
Running the race of life with purpose in every step.
Romans 7:15, 18b-19, 24, 1 Cor 9:24-27
This Christmas, Daybreak adopted a local family with 8 kids and helped to make their Christmas a little extra special. Our congregation responded with overflowing generosity as folks purchased
pillows, blankets, clothing, and various other wishlist items for the children. Our KidZone sang Christmas carols the week before Christmas and presented gift bags filled with pillows and
blankets. The mom emailed later and reflected her family’s appreciation: "We just wanted to say a huge thank you for coming and blessing our family on Sunday. The kids slept great with their new
pillows and blankets. Many of the kids were sleeping on old character pillows that were flat. After you guys left, the kids ran and put their stuff on their cots. Two of them asked to take a nap
to try them out. We have been staying with my aunt here since April after a very unexpected move, and the kids have really struggled with having things of their own. Now the blankets are theirs,
and the pillows. Thank you again so much.”
It was a very special time as the carols were sung, as all the kids introduced themselves and a blessing was prayed over the family before we left. The other gifts were secretly delivered to the
mom later in the week. This family will enjoy opening these wonderful gifts on Christmas morning.
This is what Jesus had in mind when He taught us to, “…let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” (Matthew 5:16)
It was a houseful of joyful cookie making, baking, & decorating! Our Daybreak children eagerly showed up ready to make dozens of cookies for our upcoming night of Christmas Caroling. That's right, on Dec. 17, we'll be delivering them to various church friends and family as well as spreading some Christmas cheer through caroling. Jeff and Lorraine graciously opened their home and assisted with our cookie baking. Special thanks to Darlene and Shelley for patiently helping our children and to Jack for delivering some delicious pizza! It was a fun night enjoyed by everyone!
This Christmas, rise above the daily work stressors, relational turmoil, financial fears, and family feuds so typical during this season. Meet the original cast of biblical characters from the ancient Advent scenes and discover God’s greater purpose and mission in our workplaces and families during the Christmas season.
He was an average Joe … but a Joe who chose to rely on God’s supernatural power as he stepped into frightening scenes that first Christmas. Joseph will teach us to live with that same faith-filled courage.
Matthew 1:18-25
Learning how Jesus’ arrival as our King can impact our overall attitude and motivation in our relational interactions as well as our daily responsibilities.
Matthew 1:1-17 & Luke 1:26-38
Allowing the jubilant joy from the first Christmas to overflow into our present day lives, families, and workplaces.
Luke 1
Breaking “Scrooge” tendencies as we take some cues from the ancient Wise Men. Are you ready to follow the star, jump for joy, and present your gifts?
Matthew 2:1-12
“Hark! The herald angels sing…” Are we ignoring the “harks” of our day? You might have heard the Christmas story when you were young, but tonight, God is calling you back.
Luke 2:8-20
No service at Daybreak. Join others in Christmas fellowship at a community 1-hr Worship Service at Spring City UMC (45 N Church St)
Join us for a time of thanksgiving to God and a unique way to express our thanks to one another. We’ll be taking Communion as part of our worship service.
On October 20-22, Daybreak held its 15th Annual Men's Retreat at the Tyson cabin in Central PA! 13 Men joined the adventure this year! Though at times the conditions were a little wet, these guys still enjoyed a very fun time together over delicious home cooked meals, card games, whiffle ball, hiking, target-shooting, and bonfires. We welcomed first time guests to Retreat: Ty & Chris! Our theme this year was "Chase the Lion" from 2 Samuel 23:20. Just like Benaniah 'chased a lion into a pit on a snowy day', we were challenged to pursue dreams that are destined to fail without divine intervention. We re-imagined what God might want to do in our lives if we stepped out in courage and faith. We wish to thank Phil & Kent Tyson for their exceptional hospitality and meal preparation!
View the entire picture album on Google Photos.
Proverbs has so much to teach us about our day-to-day lives. Ready to increase your IQ for everyday life? Join us this fall for “Wisdom that Works” based on the book of Proverbs!
Get ready for a fun journey through Proverbs!
Godly wisdom for raising kids through every age & stage.
Chase the dream that is destined to fail without divine intervention.
Wealth isn't about an amount of money, but our attitude towards it!
In this year’s election, what are some principles from Proverbs that can help us in the voting booth?
Use our words to bless and not burn others.
Daybreak ladies gathered for a relaxing brunch and fellowship at the home of Phil & Judy Tyson. Thanks very much to Judy for the delicious brunch and warm hospitality at our fun mini-retreat.
The story of Ruth is a fascinating tale of romance, intrigue, loss, redemption, and ultimately of faith. Join us these 4 weeks as we journey alongside Ruth and Naomi on a path from heartbreak to hope. Along the way we’ll learn much about what God wants to redeem in our lives if we’ll make wise choices with our emotions and faith-filled actions.
Ruth 1
In times of tragedy and loss, how do we properly grieve?
Ruth 2
Learning to work hard and trust God’s provision when times are lean and uncertain.
Ruth 3:1-4:12
Whether you are married, single or single again, come explore aspects of redeemed romance.
Ruth 4:13-22
How do we make this switch? Learning how our choices affect others?
Striving for unity in the body of Christ
Guest Speaker: Chris Honeycutt
To say that our nation is caught up in a fitness craze is an understatement. Physical fitness has become a billion-dollar business in the United States and continues to grow. TV infomercials
feature the latest fitness product on the market. The Bible teaches us that physical fitness is important, but being spiritually fit is everlasting. "Heart Healthy" recognizes that the discipline
we establish while becoming physically fit helps us in our spiritual walk. It is hard for us to follow Christ with our lives if we are not also taking care of our physical and emotional
1 Timothy 4:8, Matthew 4:4, 1 Corinthians 3:16-17, 1 Corinthians 9:24-27
We all have questions. Are the recent shootings and terror attacks a sign of the end times? Should Christians play Pokémon Go? Is it okay for a Christian not to vote? What does God think about suicide, transgender, & Powerball? This summer, “You Asked For It” is your chance to find answers to the questions you’ve been asking.
Reflections on the end of the world, the afterlife and what happens to us, our pets, and our loved ones when we die.
It’s about Jesus. Join us for a worship celebration!
Communion & Family Service
Distinguishing God’s voice & clearing up some misquoting of God’s words.
Helping us identify & wrestle with issues where the Bible is silent. Handout is available-->
When the Church & Parents partner together, you get the power of Orange!
Deuteronomy 6:1-9
Kickball Sunday
Join us this Father’s Day as we unpack the elements of Christian fatherhood.
1 Corinthians 16:13-14
Praying BOLDLY. Praying DARINGLY. Believing God can do all we ask or imagine and is always listening. Warning: these prayers might just change your life!
Asking God to reveal & remove the junk on the inside of us.
Psalm 139:23-34
Join us this Father’s Day as we unpack the elements of Christian fatherhood.
1 Corinthians 16:13-14
Pouring out our weaknesses and finding strength in God alone.
Mark 14:3-24
Baptism and Picnic after Service
Where do you think God might be sending you? How does this work? Join us this July 4th weekend for a family service that may just change the trajectory of your life!
Jonah 1:2-3, Exodus 3:10-11, Isaiah 6:1-8
Family Service
Guest speaker: Chris Honeycutt
Eph 1:17, Phil 3:8, Col 1:9-10
Explore Jesus’ one-on-one encounters with prickly people who were difficult to love. How did Jesus extend radical grace to these ordinary sinners without compromising God’s truth? In this 2-week series, discover what makes grace so amazing!
Jesus’ radical grace flows to unlovable people.
John 4
Jesus’ radical grace that can transform even a tax cheat!
Luke 19
Jesus’ grace takes the pressure off! We no longer have to perform to earn His approval.
Luke 19:1-10
Luke 18:9-14
The necessary ingredient for the Christian life.
Guest speaker: Chris Honeycutt
Moms in our lives give so much and deserve to be celebrated! Now it’s time to let mom know how appreciated she really is! Join us at Daybreak for a special service that will leave not only mom’s
heart encouraged but the entire family feeling inspired as well.
Exodus 2, 1 Kings, 17, 2 Samuel 11-12
Mother’s Day
How should followers of Christ engage in politics?
Matthew 22:36-40
What might God be asking you to do? In this small obscure book of the Bible, we read about how God used a prophet, Haggai to lead Israel in rebuilding God's temple. Are you ready to take action and follow God’s leading … NOW?
The best way to begin is to quit talking and start doing.
Haggai 1:1-8
Persevering through the tough stuff knowing God is with us.
Haggai 1:13-14, 2:3-4, 6-9, Galatians 6:9
The greatest evidence of a right heart for God is obedience to God.
Haggai 2:12-19, 1 Corinthians 15:33
No single event in human history has received more attention than the crucifixion of Jesus. In March we’ll begin a journey through the last 24 hours of Jesus’ life. Whether you are a long-time Christian or simply curious about the story of Christ’s crucifixion, you are invited to join us for this powerful series as we retrace – 24 Hours That Changed the World.
If you knew you only had a few hours left to live, how would you spend your time with your closest friends? With you and me in mind, Jesus does some unforgettable things on this particular Thursday evening.
Mark 14:12-26
Before facing the most agonizing & important next few hours of His life,
Jesus prays … & He even prays for us! Join us next week for a wake-up
call to be fully alert to all Jesus wants to do in your life in the here & now!
Mark 14:27-41
The power of sacrificial love that changes the world.
Mark 15:15-39
Jesus’ resurrection gives us hope, grace, & purpose!
1 Corinthians 15:14-20, 54-57
Easter Sunday
Accessing ‘resurrection power’ made available to us through Christ at work in us.
Guest Speaker: Chris Honeycutt
Romans 8 (beginning part)
What does it look like to be what Jesus termed - the ‘salt of the earth’ & the ‘light of the world?’ During this 2-week series we will explore how we live this out in our everyday lives.
Pulling out the flavor that God has already placed within every one of His followers.
Matthew 5:13-16
Get your shine on and bring life to those in your spheres of influence.
Matthew 5:13-16
Accessing the sweet benefits of Jesus' power and presence that's available IN us as we follow Him.
Guest Speaker: Chris Honeycutt
Colossians 1
What if the essence of the story of God can be understood, applied, and shared in just four small words?.
Genesis 1:27, Exodus 33:18-23, Matthew 1:23, Colossians 1:26-27
If we’re honest, most of us would admit to carrying around unnecessary baggage. It could be past hurts, worry, anger, or addictions... We’re loaded down with these carry-ons we were never meant to bear. God’s ready to check your baggage if you’ll let Him. Join us this January for “Baggage” and learn a lighter way to live!
What are you carrying around that shouldn't be on your journey this year?
Matthew 11:28, 2 Corinthians 5:17, Galatians 6:2
Worship: 9 AM @ St. James UCC in Limerick
If you're struggling with an addiction, here's the path to freedom!
Romans 7:15-19, 2 Corinthians 10:4, James 5:16
9 AM @ St. James UCC in Limerick
Allowing others to carry your burdens and provide support especially when you’re stumbling along.
Galatians 6:2, Luke 17:1, Ecclesiastes 4:9-12
Vision for our Community Groups (Life Groups, MeetUp, Accountability, Men’s & Women’s etc…)
End-of-Year Report – Chad Martin